We get so excited about displaying and showing off the genealogy that we have “done”, but how often do we take the time to learn who they are?
One of my favorite things about Family History is the connections. Seeing how I came to be through who they were. Maybe this project will help help us learn a little more about ourselves!
126 Names is a project that I am hosting on my Instagram account: instagram.com/branches.art
There are 126 ancestors on my 6 Generation Family Tree, so each Saturday or Sunday, I’ll learn SOMETHING about someone on my tree. It doesn’t have to be much, but SOMETHING about one of my Ancestors. Then I’ll share it on IG.
Please join me! If you would like me to see and share your posts too, tag @branches.art and use the hashing #126names
Continue reading 126 Names Project // Learn About One Ancestor Every Week